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Form 4 Term 1 2019 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 71 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define the fisheries.
  2. State three ways in which marine fisheries in Kenya can be conserved.
  1. Fisheries refer to an area or a place where fish are reared or caught in numbers.
  2. i) Establishing of research stations to study various fish species their breeding habits.
    ii) Creating awareness on the importance of fish resources and fishing grounds to reduce pollution of these grounds.
    iii) The government should protect inland water resources by advising people not to interfere with the regular flow of rivers.
    iv) Indiscriminate fishing should be banned to avoid depletion of fish stock in water bodies.
    v) Laws should be enacted to allow only a small number of selected fishermen to carry out the activity.
Question 2

  1. State four factors that influence development of industries in Kenya.
  2. Identify three factors that favored the location of cement processing plant Athi River near Nairobi.
  1. - Raw materials – industries are located near sources of raw materials as bulky materials may incur high costs of transportation.
    - Power is required to run machinery in the industries and therefore should be located near sources of power.
    - Transport and communication is important since this is well developed in urban areas most industries are located in such areas.
    - Some industries require regular supply of water and this requires that they be located near a river or a lake.
    - A ready market should be taken into account especially the purchasing power of the population.
    - Successful industrial development demands availability of both skilled and unskilled labour. - Government play a major role in that they may determine the location of an industry either on economic or political reasons.
    - Industrial investments are very expensive and require capital. A lot of money is required to purchase land or buy equipment.
    - Industrial inertia – some industries may remain in their original locations even if the original considerations for their establishment have changed.
  2. i) There was the availability of raw materials i.e. limestone.
    ii) A ready market is provided by the dense population in the area.
    iii) A good transport net work that facilitates movement to the market
Question 3

  1. State three factors that favor the growth of forest on Mt Kenya.
  2. Name two types of indigenous hard wood trees found in Kenyan forests.
  1. i) The cool climate enables forests to flourish.
    ii) High rainfall experienced in the area enhance growth of trees.
    iii) The steep nature of the forested land makes it a conducive area for forest growth
  2. - Elgon olive
    - Elgon teak
    - Meru oak
    - Mvule
    - Camplum
Question 4

  1. State three main functions of rural settlements.
  2. List three factors that led to the location of Mombasa as a city and port.
  1. - Residential area for the rural population.
    - There are educational centre – there are many schools in these areas.
    - Religious centers are available in rural areas involving various denominations.
    - Recreational and cultural centers are also available in rural areas.
    - Administrative centre – there are local chiefs and sub chiefs.
  2. 1) The site was strategic calling point for early traders to and from East Africa.
    2) The island provided a good defensive site against external aggression.
    3) The coral limestone found in the area was used for building.
    4) The fland land was ideal for construction of buildings.
    5) The two rivers Mwachi and Kombeni provided fresh water for the settlers.
    6) The deep water at the kilindini Creek provided a well sheltered natural harbour.
    7) Mombasa has a large and rich hinterland which covers Kenya Rwanda and Southern Sudan.
Question 5

List three forms of telecommunication services in Kenya.
- Landline/mobile phones telephone services
- Telex services
- Telegraphic services
- Paging services
- Radio communication services
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- Form 4 Term 1 2019 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 71 [PDF]