Question 1
- Apart from the moon, name two other heavenly bodies
- State two effects of earth revolution
- Differentiate between Mohorovicic discontinuity and Gutenberg discontinuity
1. Meteors
2. Comets -
- It causes four season summer, spring, winter and acetum
- Changes in the position of midday sun at different times of the year - Mohororicic discontinuity is a layer of discounting the separates mantle and core.
Question 2
i) Differentiate between weather and climate.
ii) Name two types of low clouds. - Outline two ways in which cloud cover influences weather
i) - Weather is the daily – atrophic addition of given place at a particular time while climate is the average weather conditions of a given region over a long period of time usually 30-35 years
ii) Strato – columns
Nimbo – stratus - During the day when there are clouds reflects back solar ray spall thus keeping the lower atmosphere cool, during the night, clouds condense to form witter droplets which fall in different forms of precipitation.
Question 3
- Differentiate between orogenic and epeirogenic earth movements
- Briefly explain how convectional currents cause earth movements
- What are destructive boundaries
- Differentiate between organic oath involvements operate along the radius of the earth from the interior toward the surface or from the surface towards the interior of the earth
- Convectional currents within the molten rock. In the mantle are in circular motions from the crucial rock the currents exert a material doing with the sima rock causing crustal rocks to move horizontally
- These are margins of plates which are destroy after plates toward each other due to conventional currents and collide /coverage destroying
Question 4
- List two processes of river erosion.
- State two ways in which gorges are formed
- State any two factors that influence the formation of drainage patterns
- Corrosion/ solution
- Corrosion / abrasion -
– Gorge formed due to rejuvenation increasing the gradient and frce of falling waterfall
– Retreats upstream increasing its erosive power this thus stocking waterfall -
- Direction of slope of the land since flow of water is controlled by the force of gravity.
- Difference in the rock retinue or hardness, if a river encounters a very resistance rock a troop on its path, it may have to change its direct.
Question 5
- State two sources of underground water.
- State two factors influencing the existence of underground water
- State two conditions which favour the location of the artesian basin
- Rain water
- Melt water -
- Precipitation and evaporation in an area
- Nature of the rocks interims of ponisity and more permeability of rocks -
- The aquifer must be sandwiched between impermeable rocks so that it can retain water.
- The aquifer mustaltrrop in a region which is a source of water of a rainy area or beneath a lake.
- The mouth of the well must be lower than the intake a log to allow water be force at by pressure intake and rock layers must form a broad syncline or basin.