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Form 4 Term 1 2017 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 91 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Define human geography
  2. Explain the relationship between geography and the following subjects
    (i) Agriculture
    (ii) Biology
  1. Human Geography is the study of people and their activities on the earth’s surface such as mining. Agriculture, trade
  2. (i) Agriculture
     - Geography studies farming systems, their distribution and factors affecting farming activities such as soils, weather and climate, terrain etc
    (ii) Biology
     - Geography explains the distribution of organisms and factors influencing their distribution on the earth’s surface such as climate.
Question 2

  1. Name any two primary wood forest products
  2. State any five differences between the softwood forests in kenya and canada
  1. - Timber
    - Poles
  2. - Species of tree differe.g in Kenya there is Kenya Cedar and Podo while in Canada there is Douglas fir and white pine.
    - Canadas soft woods are mainly natural while Kenya’s are mostly planted
    - Kenya’s softwood forests are found in highlands while Canada’s are found in lowlands due to cool temperatures.
    - Kenya’s softwood forests cover large tracts of land than Kenya’s
    - In the Kenya softwood forests are propagated by Afforestation while in Canada its by leaving some trees uncut so that they produce seeds to be dispersed naturally.
Question 3

  1. Differentiate between a game sanctuary and a national park
  2. State any three problems facing wildlife in Kenya
  1. A game sanctuary is an area set aside for preservation of wildlife eg. Maasai Mara in Kenya while a National park is area set aside for preservation of scenery, wildlife and historical sites egTsavo, Mombasa marine, Amboselietc
  2. - Poaching which is likely to bring rare species of animals to extinction eg rhinos and elephants
    - Adverse climatic conditions which causes death of some animals due to shortage of water and pasture.
    - Floods which drown animals and destroy plants depriving animals of pasture
Question 4

  1. i) What is pipeline transport?
    ii) Name two products transported by pipeline.
  2. State three advantages of containerization in water transport
  1. i) - It is a means of movement of fluid or gas products such as water, gas and oil through pipes from one place to another
    ii) 1. Water
     2. Oil
  2. - They are safe and secure because containers are sealed which protects goods from destruction by bad weather and from being stolen
    - easy to handle because containers are fitted with special devices like hooks and rings which makes loading and unloading easy.
    - Time saving because goods are put in one container than being carried in several boxes which makes make loading and unloading easy.
Question 5

  1. Outline any two problems facing Nairobi city due to high population growth.
  2. State three factors that lead to development of nucleated settlements in an area
  1. - Traffic Congestion
    - Pollution
  2. - Availability of social amenities such as schools and hospitals
    - Presence of industrial plant or natural resources such as minerals and water
    - Limitation of land for building leading to clustering of buildings in one place
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- Form 4 Term 1 2017 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 91 [PDF]