Question 1
- Define human geography
- Explain the relationship between geography and the following subjects
(i) Agriculture
(ii) Biology
- Human Geography is the study of people and their activities on the earth’s surface such as mining. Agriculture, trade
(i) Agriculture
- Geography studies farming systems, their distribution and factors affecting farming activities such as soils, weather and climate, terrain etc
(ii) Biology
- Geography explains the distribution of organisms and factors influencing their distribution on the earth’s surface such as climate.
Question 2
- Name any two primary wood forest products
- State any five differences between the softwood forests in kenya and canada
- Timber
- Poles -
- Species of tree differe.g in Kenya there is Kenya Cedar and Podo while in Canada there is Douglas fir and white pine.
- Canadas soft woods are mainly natural while Kenya’s are mostly planted
- Kenya’s softwood forests are found in highlands while Canada’s are found in lowlands due to cool temperatures.
- Kenya’s softwood forests cover large tracts of land than Kenya’s
- In the Kenya softwood forests are propagated by Afforestation while in Canada its by leaving some trees uncut so that they produce seeds to be dispersed naturally.
Question 3
- Differentiate between a game sanctuary and a national park
- State any three problems facing wildlife in Kenya
- A game sanctuary is an area set aside for preservation of wildlife eg. Maasai Mara in Kenya while a National park is area set aside for preservation of scenery, wildlife and historical sites egTsavo, Mombasa marine, Amboselietc
- Poaching which is likely to bring rare species of animals to extinction eg rhinos and elephants
- Adverse climatic conditions which causes death of some animals due to shortage of water and pasture.
- Floods which drown animals and destroy plants depriving animals of pasture
Question 4
i) What is pipeline transport?
ii) Name two products transported by pipeline. - State three advantages of containerization in water transport
i) - It is a means of movement of fluid or gas products such as water, gas and oil through pipes from one place to another
ii) 1. Water
2. Oil -
- They are safe and secure because containers are sealed which protects goods from destruction by bad weather and from being stolen
- easy to handle because containers are fitted with special devices like hooks and rings which makes loading and unloading easy.
- Time saving because goods are put in one container than being carried in several boxes which makes make loading and unloading easy.
Question 5
- Outline any two problems facing Nairobi city due to high population growth.
- State three factors that lead to development of nucleated settlements in an area
- Traffic Congestion
- Pollution -
- Availability of social amenities such as schools and hospitals
- Presence of industrial plant or natural resources such as minerals and water
- Limitation of land for building leading to clustering of buildings in one place