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Form 4 Term 1 2017 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 9 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Differentiate between a forest and forestry.
  2. State three benefits of Agro-forestry.
  1. - A forest is a continuous growth of trees and undergrowth covering a large area of land.
    - Forestry is the science of planting, caring and using trees/forests or their associated resources.
  2. - It provides fodder for the animals
    - Trees act as wind breakers/provide shade to young plants.
    - Farm products are a source of income to the farmers.
    - Trees conserve soil
Question 2

  1. What is urbanization.
  2. State three factors which have led to the development of Mombasa as a major sea port in the region
  1. - It is the process whereby an increasing number of the total population in a country settles in towns .
  2. -It has deep sheltered harbour
    - It has fine weather throughout the year
    - It has a large hinterland
Question 3

  1. State two causes of international migration.
  2. Give three factors responsible for the low fertility rate in Sweden.
  1. - Better employment opportunities.
    - High standards of living.
    - Shortage of food in a country/famine.
  2. - Widespread use of family planning methods.
    - Improved medical facilities leading to high survival rates among children.
    - More women are involved in employment thus child bearing is an impediment to the persuit of careers
Question 4

  1. Give two economic benefits of Southern African Development Co-operation
  2. State three measures that Kenya can take in order to reduce her unfavourable
  1. - Promoted trade through removal of obstacles that hinder free movement of goods.
    - Created wider market for goods promoting industrial and agricultural activities.
    - It has promoted transfer of technology leading to production of quality goods.
  2. - Encourage development of Jua Kali industries which don’t require importation of heavy machinery.
    - Restrict importation of luxury items through taxation.
    - Establish import substitute industries to cut down on importation of some commodities.
    - Diversify agricultural exports.
Question 5

  1. State two ways through which minerals occur on the earth crust
  2. Give three effects of mining on the environment
  1. - Veins and lodes
    - Beds and seams
    - Alluvial deposits
  2. - Causes land dereliction
    - Causes air, noise and water pollution
    - Underground mining is a health hazard due to collapsing of mines.
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- Form 4 Term 1 2017 Geography Paper 2 Exam Set 9 [PDF]