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Form 3 Term 2 2023 Geography Exam Set 13 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Name two layers of discontinuity in the interior of the earth.
  2. State three characteristics of the mantle
  1. - Moho-discontinuity / mohorovicic discontinuity.
    - Gutenberg discontinuity.
  2. - Has a thickness of about 2900 km.
    - Temperatures are extremely high (10000C)
    - Dominant minerals are iron and magnesium.(olivine)
Question 2

  1. Differentiate between epicenter and seismic focus.
  2. State three major earthquake seismic zones in the world.
  1. - Seismic focus refers to the place in the interior of earth where earthquake waves originate from while Epicenter is the point vertically above the focus on the earth surface where the earthquake wares are first experienced / felt.
  2. - Along The Great Rift Valley
    - The Mid Atlantic Ocean Belt.
Question 3

  1. Define the term climax vegetation.
  2. Mention three factors that influence vegetation distribution
  1. Climax vegetation refer to the plant cover that has reached its maturity without interference by human beings.
  2. - Relief
    - Altitude
    - Soils
Question 4

  1. A part from soil creep, state two other forms of slow mass wasting.
  2. Outline three evidences of soil creep.
  1. - Rock creep
    - Talus creep
  2. - Bent tree trunks.
    - Bent utility poles
    - Bent walls / cracks on the walls
Question 5

  1. Name two major forest blocks found along the Kenyan coast
  2. State three factors contributing to depletion of forests in Kenya.
  1. - Shimba Hills
    - Tana River
    - Arabuko Sokoke
  2. - Natural calamities that destroy forests
    - Pest and diseases eg. Aphids
    - Development of towns results in destruction of forests
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- Form 3 Term 2 2023 Geography Exam Set 13 [PDF]