Question 1
- Give three components of solar system
- State two effects of the rotation of the earth
- sun
- Planets
- Heavily bodies -
- causes the occurrence of day/night
- it causes difference in time between places over the earth’s surface
Question 2
- Name three types of folds
- State two factors that determine the folding of crustal rocks
- Simple/symmetrical fold
- Asymmetrical fold
- Over fold -
- The rock should be young in order to bend.
- The forces operating on the crustal rocks should be compressional
Question 3
- What is forestry
- State three factors that has led to the reduction of the area under forests on the slopes of Aberdare ranges
- It is the science of planting of planting caring and using trees/ forest ad their resources
- It is the practice of managing and using trees/ forests associated resources . -
- The illegal encrochment
- The illegal cultivation has led to clearly of parts of the forests
- Prolonged draughts have caused drying of some forests
Question 4
- Name three forms of precipitation that commonly occur in East Africa
- What is a Stevenson screen
- Rain
- Hail
- Dew - - It is a white wooden box in which meteorological instruments are kept at weather station
Question 5
- Name two scales used to measure intensity of an earthquake
- Give three causes of earthquakes
- The Rossi-farrel scale
- The mercelli scale -
- tectonic movement
- vulcanicity
- gravitation force