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Form 3 Term 1 2019 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 9 [PDF]

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Question 1

  1. Give three reasons of studying Geography
  2. State two weaknesses of nebular cloud theory
  1. - We learn and explain the origin of earth, the solar system and the internal structure of the earth.
    - Helps learners develop the skill of observing, reading analyzing and interpreting data
    - Helps learners understand the ways of life of other people and they interact with the environment
  2. - The origin of the cloud of dust is not known
    - The cause of the nebula’s rotation is not known
Question 2

  1. Differentiate between winter and summer solstice
  2. Stat three effects of rotation of the earth
  1. Winter solstice - On June 21st sun is overhead at the trophic of cancer hence summer solstice in Northern Hemisphere and in Southern Hemisphere its winter Solstice.
    Summer solstice - On 22nd December sun is overhead at the trophic of capricon a time for summer solstice in southern Hemisphere while in North Hemisphere its time for winter solstice.
  2. - causes day and night
    - causes a difference n time between longitudes
    - causes rise and fall of sea tides
    - causes a deflection of winds and ocean currents
Question 3

  1. Differentiate between the terms plate tectonics and tectonic plates
  2. Identify three activities that take place along extension boundaries
  1. Plate tectonics - this is a theory that suggests that the earth comprises of is a series of semi rigid blocks of lands that move relative to each other and are separate by distinct boundaries.
    Tectonic plates - are semi-rigid blocks of land that hold the continents and are separated by distinct boundaries
  2. - Vulcanicity
    - Earthquakes
    - Faulting
Question 4

  1. List two elements of weather
  2. Name three processes through which the atmosphere is heated
  1. - Temperature
    - Air pressure
    - Precipitation
  2. - Radiation
    - Convention
    - Conduction
Question 5

  1. State three features of wind deposition
  2. State two factors that influence wind transportation in the desert
  1. - Sand dunes
    - Loess
    - Drags
  2. 1. Speed and force of wind - the greater the force of wind the more load it can carryRadiation
    2. Amount of load and nature - small and light particles will be carried for longer distancesConvention
    3. Sudden change of weather like showers causes the wind to drop its load
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- Form 3 Term 1 2019 Geography Paper 1 Exam Set 9 [PDF]