You intend to carry out a field study of the landforms around your school.
(i) State two hypotheses you are likely to formulate for the study.
(ii) Apart from dividing your class into groups, in what three other ways will you prepare for the study.
(iii) In what two ways is dividing the class into groups important?
- Most landforms near my school have resulted from faulting
- Presence of block mountains around my school has influenced tourism
- Mountains are the dominant landforms around my school
- Seeking permission from relevant authorities
- Conducting a pre-visit/ reconnaissance
- Preparing a questionnaire
- Holding discussions in class
- Preparing a working schedule
- Reading through relevant books
- Gathering the required tools
- It eases congestion/ overcrowding in areas they have to visit
- It helps ensure that required data is collected within the given time frame
- It creates order when carrying out the field study
- Ensures that everybody is involved in the study