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Form 4 Term 2 2023 Biology Paper 3 Exam [PDF]

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Question 1

Study the photographs U, V, W and X showing fruit specimens that areopen to expose the interna partsl.

  1. Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D
  2. Identify the type of fruit in photograph:
     i. U
     ii. W
  3. What type of placentation is found in the following fruits:
  4. How is the specimen in photograph W adapted to its functions?
  5. Which part of a flower develops into the region labeled R in the photograph X
  1.  A - Endocarp
     B - Funicle
     C - Mesocarp
     D - Pericarp
  2.  i. U - Drupe/Fleshly
     ii. W - Dry dehiscent/Dry
  3.  U - Basal
     V - Parietal
     W - Marginal
  4. Has lines of weakness/sutures/lines of dehiscence to split and allow seeds to be thrown out.
  5. Receptacle
Question 2

Below is a diagram showing a type of metamorphosis exhibited by a butterfly

  1. Give the name of the type of metamorphosis in the diagram above.
  2. Write down two importance of metamorphosis.
  3. Name stages Q and R
  4. Differentiate the biological activities in the development stages R and S.
  5. Name the two major hormones that are associated with metamorphosis in insects.
  6.  (i) Name the class to which the organisms in the diagram above belongs.
     (ii) Give a reason for your answer in f (i) above
  1. Complete metamorphosis.
  2.  1. Reduces competition for food due to occupation of different ecological niches.
     2. Enables the organisms to escape harsh climatic conditions e.g at pupa stage.
  3.  Q - Egg
     R - Caterpillar
  4. R S
    Feeds actively Non feeding stage
    Moults severally Does not Moult
    Grows rapidly Does not grow in size
    Locomotes Stationary
  5.  - Ecdysone hormone
     - Juvenile hormone
  6.  (i) Class: Insecta
     (ii) - Body divided into 3 pairs head, thorax and abdomen
        - Head one pair of antennae
        - Head has a pair of compound eyes
        - The insect undergoes complete metamorphosis
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- Form 4 Term 2 2023 Biology Paper 3 Exam [PDF]