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Form 4 Term 2 2014 Biology Paper 1 Exam Set 50 [PDF]

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Question 1

State the name given to the study of
  1. the blood
  2. classification of living organisms
  1. Serology
  2. Taxonomy
Question 2.

  1. Name the products of complete hydrolysis of sucrose
  2. What happens to these products named in (a) above, when they are excess in the body of man
  1. Glucose and fructose;
  2. - Oxidised (in the cells) to release energy;
    - Converted ( by the liver cells) into glycogen
Question 3

  1. State the roles of light in plant nutrition.
  2. Give a reason why glucose formed at the end of photosynthesis is converted at once into starch
  1. Photosynthesis to provide hydrogen atoms required in the dark stage of photosynthesis;Synthesis of more/additional ATP required in the dark stage of photosynthesis
  2. Starch is insoluble /osmotically inactive( hence does not affect the O.P of plant cells);
Question 4

  1. What is respiration
  2. State any two importance of respiration
  1. The break down of glucose /food nutrient in the cells to release energy
  2. - Produce energy for transmission of nerve impulse;
    - Produce energy for maintenance of body temperature
Question 5

  1. State the formula for calculating linear magnification of a specimen when using a hand lens.
  2. Give one functional adavantgae of use of the following microscopes
    1. Light Microscope
    2. Electron Microscope
  1. Magnification = Length of drawimg(image) Corresponding length of specimen
    1. Studying /viewing live specimen
    2. Higher power of resolution
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- Form 4 Term 2 2014 Biology Paper 1 Exam Set 50 [PDF]