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Form 4 Term 2 2010 Biology Paper 1 Exam Set 21 [PDF]

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Question 1

What is active transport.
- Movement of molecules against concentration gradient
Question 2.

Give three adaptations of animal dispersed fruits and seeds
i) Hooks on the ovary walls or on the calyx
ii) Succulent/brightly coloured and scented
iii) Seed coats of some are hard and resistant to digestive enzymes so that they pass through the gut undigested
Question 3

State three functions of golgi apparatus
- Packaging of synthesized material;
- Secretion of packaged material; eg glycoprotein etc.
- Transport of the packaged material;
Question 4

  1. What is the difference between Darwinian and Lamarakian theories of evolution
  2. Distinguish between convergent and divergent evolution
  1. In Darwinian theory, environment determines the changes and which organisms to survive and reproduce or perish; while in Larmakian theory, organisms change in order to survive in their environment; Alt; In Darwinian, environment only determines the direction evolution will take while in Larmakian environment determines variation
  2. Divergent evolution – one from of a structure gives rise to various different forms;
    convergent evolution – structures have different embryonic origins but are evolved to perform similar functions
Question 5

State the characteristics that can separate the following organisms into respective classes;Millipedes, tsetsefly and spider
- Body parts / Division;
- Number of limbs/ legs;
- Body segment
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- Form 4 Term 2 2010 Biology Paper 1 Exam Set 21 [PDF]