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Form 1 Term 2 2023 Biology Exam Set 2 [PDF]

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Question 1

What is Biology
Studying of living organisms
Question 2

Differentiate between the following terms
a) Ornithology and itchthyology
b) Morphology and Anatomy
c) Histology and Taxonomy
a) Ornithology is the study of birds while Itchthology is the study of fish.
b) Morphology is the study of external structure of organisms while Anatomy is the study of internal structure of organism.
c) Histology is the study of the structure of tissue while Taxonomy is the study of classification.
Question 3

One of the reason for studying biology is to acquire skills. List 4 skills acquired in the study
1. Observing
2. Identifying
3. Drawing
4. Recording
Question 4

What is meant by the following terms.
a) Nutrition
b) Respiration
c) Growth
d) Development
a) Nutrition - Process by which organisms acquire and utilize nutrients.
b) Respiration - Process by which food substances are broken down in the cell to release energy.
c) Growth - Irreversible/permanent increase in size of an organism.
d) Development - Irreversible change in complexity of the structure of an organism.
Question 5

Study the apparatus drawn below.

a) Name the labeled parts.
b) What is it used for ?
a)  A - Handle
   B - Net
b) Catching flying insects
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- Form 1 Term 2 2023 Biology Exam Set 2 [PDF]