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Direct and Indirect Speech | Class 6 English Grammar


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Direct Speech Rules

- The words of a speaker are enclosed within quotation/speech marks
- The first letter of the first word of the direct speech/actual words of the speaker is usually capitalized.
- All punctuation marks are enclosed within the quotation/speech marks e.g "Have you finished the text?" Asked the teacher.

Indirect Speech Rules

- The words of the speaker are reported by another without using quotation/speech marks.
- The tense used follows that of the main verb in the given direct speech statement.
- The tense remains unchanged.

Examples of Changes from Direct to Indirect

Direct Indirect
I He/She
You I/We
My His/Her
We They
Your My/Our
Our Their
Shall Should
Will Would
May Might
Can Could
Here There
Tomorrow The next day
Yesterday The day before

Examples - Indirect to Direct Speech

Q. The tourist said he enjoyed the visit
A. "I enjoyed the visit," said the tourist.

Q. The teacher said that John was lazy.
A. "John, you are lazy," said the teacher.

Q. Sarah requested Mary to get her a plate.
A. "Mary, get me a plate," requested Sarah.

Examples - Direct to Indirect Speech

Q. "I love cake," Tommy said.
A. Tommy said that he loved cake.

Q. The teacher said, "You must finish your work."
A. The teacher told them they must finish their work

Q. "I will beat you up!" said the bully to Moses.
A. The bully threatened to beat up Moses.

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