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The Environment - Class 7 Science

The Environment

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The Environment

- Environment is the surrounding of living things.
- The environment constitutes both living things and non-living things.
- The living components of the environment are called biotic components . These includes plants and animals.
- The non-living components of the environment are called abiotic components and they include; soil air,water, sound, heat and light.
- The components of the environment can also be classified into major and minor components.

Major components

  • Air
  • Water
  • Soil
  • Plant
  • Animal

Minor Components

  • Heat
  • Sound
  • Light
  • Equipment
  • Buildings
- Water is an important component of the environment. It is a habitat for aquatic animals and is also required for plant growth.
- Animals drink water to be healthy and hydrated.
- Soil supports the growth of plants. Plants are the ultimate source of food for the animals.
- Soil is also a habitat for some animals.
- Soil is used by human beings for building. It is also a source of important minerals such as gold and iron.
- Air is the largest component of the environment that is found everywhere. It is required by both animals and plants for breathing.
- Plants and animals depend on each other directly or indirectly.
- We need to protect our environment from pollution and degradation to ensure survival of human beings,other animals as well as plants.

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