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Health Education - Science Class 6

Health Education

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Health Education

Common Communicable Diseases

- A communicable disease is one that can easily pass from one person to the other.
- The medium for passing the disease could be contaminated air, water or insect bites
- Such diseases include malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid, common cold, among others.


- Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite called plasmodium
- Plasmodium is carried about by the female anopheles mosquito which passes it on to a person through biting.
- The parasite then attacks the bodies red blood cells.

Signs and Symptoms of Malaria

  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Severe headache
  • Cold and fever
  • Pain in the joints
  • General body weakness

Prevention of Malaria

  • Clearing broken bottles and empty containers from the home compound to ensure no mosquito breeding
  • Clearing tall grass and leafy plants where mosquitoes can breed
  • Sleeping under treated mosquito nets
  • Draining stagnant water around the house
  • Taking antimalarial drugs to prevent infection
  • Sprinkling oil of kerosene or oil on water surface to ensure mosquito larvae doesn't breed


- Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by bacteria that attacks the lungs.
- The bacteria can be spread through coughing and it gets into the air
- Sharing cups, plates and spoons with an infected person can also spread the disease.

Signs and Symptoms of Tuberculosis

  • Prolonged coughing, usually dry cough
  • Fever and cold
  • Sweating at night
  • Pain in the chest
  • In advanced stages the patient coughs blood
  • Drastic loss of weight in a short period

Prevention of Tuberculosis

  • Practising high standards of cleanliness
  • Avoid places that are overcrowded
  • Do not take unboiled milk
  • Do not go to dusty places
  • Small children should be vaccinated with the BGG vaccine

Immunization for Infants

- Immunization is the administration or giving of vaccines to a person so as to prevent a disease.
- The administered medicine is called the vaccine, and the process is called vaccination or immunization.
- When the vaccine is introduced into the body, it improves the immune system of the person against the disease.
- Some of the immunizable diseases include; tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.
- The vaccine may be given as an injection, or through the mouth.
- The following table is a summary of vaccines given to infants

Female Reproductive System


- HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
- HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- It is mainly spread through having sexual contact with an infected person
- It can also be spread by sharing sharp objects
- A person who has the virus is said to be HIV positive, while one who does not have the virus is HIV negative.

Importance of HIV Testing

  • To overcome the fear of one's status
  • To change behaviour
  • To plan for the future of one's dependants
  • To make a decision on marriage
  • To campaign against the spread of HIV/AIDS

Effects of HIV and AIDS

  • It makes the individual's body weak
  • Low self-esteem
  • Feeling of guilt and worthless
  • Poor performance in school due to lack of concentration
  • One cannot interact freely with other people
  • Feeling of loneliness and shame
  • Lack of strength for activities

Effects of HIV and AIDS on the Family

  • Lack of parental care if parents die of HIV and AIDS
  • Leads to sadness in the family
  • Men may become widowers, women widowers, and children orphans; and families may lose the breadwinner
  • Family embarrassment and shame
  • Serious financial constraints due to a lot of spending on medication and seeking healthcare
  • Loss of income, job and family assets

Effects of HIV and AIDS to the Nation

  • Poor services may be rendered to the people if the victims are government employees as they may lack enough strength to deliver.
  • Large spending of money by government on buying drugs and other medical supplies.
  • Decrease in the economic productivity of the country due to people suffering from HIV.
  • Overcrowding in hospitals, which reduces the quality of medical care.
  • Loss of skilled manpower when infected persons die

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