At Esoma-KE, we not only provide learning content and support for our students community, we also provide them with systems to engage in high-level critical thinking activities.
Want to post a Question? Let's get you started
While we are studying and revising, we often get questions to ask; however, there is often no one to ask or answer. When we are lucky, we wait for a teacher to assist us.
Esoma-KE Students Forum provides an alternative for us to ask other students and teachers and have them easily engage in an educative conversation. See below for assistance on posting a question.
. . . and the best part!
You can even take a picture with your phone and make it part of the question. Don't type those mathematics questions, take a picture right from the application and post it.
How Do I Post a Question?
Select Your Class,
Select the Subject the Question is based, and
Write your Question. If you need to provide a
picture of the question, take a picture of it and then click
'Post Question'.