Right to life.
Life begins at conception and no child should be deprived of life deliberately. Abortion is not therefore permitted unless occasioned by the need for emergency treatment or life of the mother is in danger. People who attempt to commit suicide are also punishable on the strength of their right.
Equality and freedom from discrimination.
Every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law. This means that both men and women are equal before the law. Any form of discrimination is illegal and is prohibited in the constitution.
Human dignity.
Every person’s dignity should be respected and protected. One must not ridicule or embarrass other members of society.
Freedom and security of a person.
This right protects a person from being detained without a good reason and without trial. No person will be subjected to physical or psychological torture, corporal punishment or cruel and inhuman treatment.
Freedom from slavery, servitude and forced labour.
No one should be held in servitude or slavery or perform forced labour. Every employer should treat his or her employees with dignity and not to force them to work.
Right to privacy.
Every person has a right NOT to have him or herself, his or her property searched, or his or her possessions seized. Not revealing a person’s family or private affairs unnecessarily or private communications interfered with.
Right to assembly, demonstration, picketing and petition.
Every citizen has a right to assemble and participate in peaceful demonstrations and even present petitions to public authorities.
Political rights.
Every citizen is free to make political choices, which includes the right to form, or participate in forming, a political party and to participate in the activities of, a political party.
Freedom of movement and residence.
Citizens have a right to free movement and ownership of property in any part of the country. Anyone is also free to leave the country or enter and remain in the country.
Economic and social rights.
Every person has the right to the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to health care services, including reproductive health care.
Consumer rights
Consumers have the right to goods and services of reasonable quality. Consumers have the right to the information necessary for them to gain full benefit from goods and services.
Right to fair labour practices.
Every worker has a right to fair labour practices like fair remuneration, reasonable working conditions, the right to join or practice in trade union activities and the right to go on strike.
Right to clean and healthy environment.
Every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment. It is our duty to ensure that the environment is protected for the benefit of present and future generations.
Freedom of conscience, religion, belief and opinion.
Every person, whether individually or as a group, has freedom to manifest any religion or belief through worship, practice, teaching or observance, including observance of day of worship.
Freedom of expression.
This guarantees all Kenyans the freedom to seek, receive or impart ideas or information.
Freedom of media.
The freedom and independence of the media is guaranteed. The state should not interfere with the media.
Access to information.
Every person has a right to access information held by the state, or by others, which may be required for the protection of any right or fundamental freedom.
Freedom of association.
Every person has the right to form, join and participate in the activities of an association of any kind, provided that the association is not engaged in illegal activities, such as stealing or killing.
Protection of the right to property.
Every person is entitled to own property either individually or as a group, in any part of the country. However the property has to be legally acquired.
Right to language and culture.
Every person has the right to use a language, and embrace the culture of the person’s choice.
Right to family.
An adult has the right to marry a person of the opposite sex, based on the free consent of the parties. Parties to such a union enjoy equal rights.
Fair administrative action.
Every person should be subjected to an efficient, lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair administrative action. This promotes efficient administration in public offices.
Access to justice.
Everybody should access justice and a reasonable fee will be charged to enhance this, if required.
Right of arrested persons.
An arrested person has;
- The right to be informed promptly in a language that the person understands of the reason for arrest, the right to remain silent and he consequences of not remaining silent.
- The right to remain silent. – The right of a person to choose to talk or to remain silent.
- The right to communicate with an advocate and other persons whose assistance is necessary (freedom of speech with all those who will assist him or her in the case.)
- The right of not being compelled to make any confession or admission that could be used in evidence against the person.
- The right t be held separately from persons serving a sentence ( should not be held in prisons alongside those already convicted)
- To be brought to court as soon as reasonably possible, as but not later than twenty four hours after being arrested.
- To be charged or be informed of the reason for the extension of detention or release, at the first court appearance.
- To be released on bond or bail, on reasonable conditions, pending a charge or trial, unless there are compelling reasons as to why one cannot be released.
Fair hearing.
Every person has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved through a court hearing be resolved in such a manner that will accord him or her fair and public hearing. An accused person has the following rights;
- To be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.
- To be informed of the charges.
- To have adequate time and facilities to prepare a defence.
- To a public trial before a court.
- To have the trial begin and be concluded with few delays.
- To be present when being tried.
- To be represented by an advocate and be informed of this right immediately. Depending on the circumstances, the accused may be assigned an advocate by the state and at the state’s expense.
- To remain silent and not testify during the proceedings.
- To be informed in advance, of the evidence the prosecution intends to present, and to have reasonable access to that evidence.
- To challenge the evidence.
- To refuse to give self-incriminating evidence.
- To have the assistance of an interpreter if the accused person cannot understand the language used in the trial.
- If convicted, to appeal, or apply for review by a higher court.
Rights of persons detained, held in custody or imprisoned.
A person, who is detained, held in custody or imprisoned under the law, retains all rights and fundamental freedoms in the bill of rights. Except those that are impractical and inapplicable under the circumstances.
A person who is detained or held in custody is entitled for an order Habeas Corpus- This is a law that states that a person who has been arrested should not be kept in prison longer than a particular period of time unless a judge in a court has decided that it is right. It is the right of the person who is detained, held in custody or imprisoned to be treated in a humane manner.