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Health Education - Class 7 Science

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Health Education

Drugs and drug abuse

A drug is any substance obtained from plants or manufactured in factories. which when taken into the body changes the normal body functioning. A drug can affect the body either positively or negatively.
Medical drugs are meant to have a healing effect on the body. However, they are misused in the following ways; overdosing, underdosing, sharing drugs or self medication.
Drug abuse is the use of a drug for other reasons that are not medical.
Commonly abused drugs include; tobacco, miraa(khat), heroin, mandrax, alcohol, bhang, cocaine, opium, and intoxicating inhalants.


  • It can be smoked,chewed or sniffed.
  • Its smoke contains three harmful substances; tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide.
  • It is a stimulant.
  • Tar causes cancer of the lungs, lips, throat and mouth.
  • Carbon monoxide interferes with transportation of oxygen.
  • Babies born to smoking mothers may have deformities.
  • Smoking causes discolouration of teeth and bad breath.


  • It is taken in form of a drink. e.g beer, wines and spirit.
  • It is very addictive.
  • Alcohol harms the liver, it may cause liver cirrhosis.
  • Alcohol also contributes to many road accidents. It interferes with proper functioning of the brain of motorists, pedestrians and drivers who have used it.

Miraa (Khat)

  • It is obtained from a plant.
  • Leaves and barks of young twigs are chewed.
  • It causes sleeplessness.


  • It is a strong stimulant obtained from coca plant.
  • It can be sniffed, smoked or injected into the body.
  • It is highly addictive narcotic.


  • Also called marijuana.
  • Obtained from the hemp plant also called cannabis sativa.
  • It can be smoked or made into a paste which is added to food or drinks.
  • It stimulates users making them violent.
  • It leads to memory impairment and loss of proper judgement.


  • Obtained from opium.
  • Opium comes from the flowers of opium poppy plant.
  • It can be snifffed, injected into the body or smoked.
  • It is a narcotic drug.
  • It causes drowsiness when abused.


  • It is a synthetic drug made commercially in factories.
  • Causes drunkenness similar to alcohol intoxication.
  • It slows down body functions and cause sleep.

Intoxicating inhalants

  • They emit fumes which are inhaled.
  • They include petrol, glue and other petroleum products.
  • They afffect the breathing system.
  • They also damage the brain cells of the user.

General effects of drug abuse.

  • They lead to poor health ot the users.
  • Overdoswe of these drugs may lead to death.
  • Users of drugs are at a higher risk of contracting HIV and AIDS.
  • Expectant mothers who use drugs may bear low weight children or malformed children.
  • Drug users may become addicted and abandon their jobs. This leads to peverty and low economic development.
  • Leads to development of diseases.

Myths and misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.

- Myths are stories told to people and are widely believed to be true by the society. - For example most people believe that AIDS is caused by wutchcraft.
- A misconception is a false idea or concept that people have due to lack of the correct facts.

Common myths and misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.

  • Some people believe that a man can be cured of AIDS by sexual intercourse with a virgin.
  • AIDS only affects prostitutes.
  • AIDS is caused by witchcraft and bewitchment.
  • Thinness is a sign of AIDS.
  • AIDS is a disease that affects people living in town.

Care and support of people infected by HIV

  • They need to beloved and be cared for.
  • Provision of adequate and balanced diet.
  • Provision of timely and medical care.
  • Provision of high standards of hygiene.

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