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Personal and Possessive Pronouns | Grade 5 English Grammar

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English Grammar


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- Pronouns are used in place of a noun.
- There are two different types of pronouns:
1. Personal pronouns refer to a person or a thing.
2. Possessive pronouns show ownership.

Personal pronouns Possessive pronouns
I, me
my, mine
our, ours
you, she, he
his, her, your
they, them their, theirs

Using Pronouns in Sentences

Read the passage below:

Susan decided at the beginning of Susan's first school term in Grade 5 that Susan would read a story everyday. Susan knew that Susan would read a lot, so Susan borrowed some money from Susan's mother to buy story books. Susan also borrowed a few books from Susan's friends. That way, Susan could read all the interesting stories that Susan liked.

You can agree that, although the passage is correct, it does not feel natural. To make it better, lets use pronouns. Read the passage again and note the difference.

Susan decided at the beginning of her first school term in Grade 5 that she would read a story everyday. She knew that she would read a lot, so she borrowed some money from her mother to buy story books. She also borrowed a few books from her friends. That way, she could read all the interesting stories that she liked.

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