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Water - Class 7 Science


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Water Pollution

- To pollute water means to contaminate or make water impure.
- Some ways in which water is polluted include oil spillage, floods, waste from industries, acid rain, uncontrolled use of farm chemicals and human and animal waste.

Effects of water pollution on animals, soil and plants

  • Pollution of water causes water diseases such as cholera and typhoid. It can also harm, suffocate and even cause death of aquatic animals.
  • Pollution on soil leads to change in soil acidity and loss of soil fertility.
  • Polluted water is harmful to plants. The contaminants in water can make plant parts to be scorched and may die and dry up before they mature. Oily contaminants cover the roots of plants. This interferes with respiratory of the plants leading to their death.

Control of water pollution.

We can control water pollution by:
  1. Observing hygiene.
  2. Using proper farming methods.
  3. Avoid watering animals in water sources.
  4. Proper dumping of industrial waste.
  5. Avoid oil spills.
  6. Proper use of farm chemicals.

Conserving Water

  • Water conservation means caring for and making proper use of water and water resources.
  • Some ways of conserving water include: harvesting rainwater, re-using water, recycling water, using water sparingly, constructing dams and mulching or shading.
  • Harvesting rain water involves collecting rainwater and storing it in trenches,tanks or dams.

harvesting rain water
Harvesting Rain Water

  • Re-using water involves using water that has already been used for another purpose. Examples of re-using water include, using water used to clean vegetables for watering crops and using water used for cleaning clothes to clean the house.
  • Recycling water involves treating water which has already been used so that it becomes suitable for use again. Water recycling can be done in sewage treatment plants and factories.
  • Using water sparingly minimises wastage of available water. Water can be used sparingly by closing taps when not in use or when they are dry and repairing leaking taps and water pipes.
  • Constructing dams helps trap run-off water thereby storing it for future use. Water in dams can be used for irrigating crops during the dry season and for watering animals.
  • Mulching or shading involves covering the soil surrounding crops with dry grass, leaves or any other plant material to conserve water. Mulching prevents evaporation of water from the soil.

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